
Management Committee

This is an honorary group, nominated by the parents, and elected at the Annual General Meeting each year in accordance with the Constitution, copies of which are available on request from the preschool. The committee is responsible for all staffing, enrolments, finance (including setting of fees), liaison with relevant government bodies and general running of the preschool, including internal and major external maintenance of building and grounds. It comprises of:

email address
Secretary/Public Officer:

General Members - 3-4 Year Old Representative
General Members - 4-5 Year Old Representative

The committee of management meets once a month at the preschool.

Being involved in the Committee of Management is a wonderful way of being involved in your child's preschool years. It offers you the opportunity to make a difference, make new friends and really understand how the preschool works. We understand that your time is valuable and "many hands make light work" so, if the management of the preschool can be shared amongst many, the better it will be. No special talents are required for most positions. If you would like to be involved as a member but are unable to attend evening meetings there are ways we can assist. Educators are available to assist any committee members throughout the year. Please consider nominating for the Committee of Management as the preschool cannot remain viable without parent assistance.

Management of the Preschool

These parents have volunteered their time to help your preschool function (see below). The state Government pays a levy for each 4-5 year old child attending, all other running costs are made up in the form of fees. The Monash Council own the building, but do not run the preschool, this is the function of the parents of children attending the preschool. We belong to ELAA (Early Learning Association). ELAA are available to the committee of management as a reference point for assistance in the governance of the preschool.


Child Safety is our highest priority and central to everything we do.